With summer vacation over and school starting up, the roads now become far more busy and congested. Parents are trying to organize the schedule changes, get their children to school and the busses are back to their normal routine. Locksmith and Security CNY realizes this is a busy and even dangerous time on the roads. Pay attention to the road, minimize distractions, and keep your attention on the surroundings. Syracuse Locksmith Explains Why This Time of Year is Dangerous Why is this time of year so difficult for many? It s the intense change from the slower, quieter road traffic you got used to in the summer where there was no rush to get places. Now, many parents not only are getting their children to school, but also need to get themselves to work. The summer routine and schedule does not work anymore. The time to travel to a job is going to be dictated by the school busses, heavier traffic, and required concentration on what s going on around you. Locksmith services in Syracuse k