Locksmith and Security CNY offers a few important safety tips to homes and businesses as Daylight Savings Time begins. March 8th started Daylight Savings Time here in the United States. With putting the clocks ahead by one hour, many appliances and electronics need to be manually adjusted to the new time. Eastern Standard Time was developed to save electricity and provide our major farming operations to continue their production with a bit more daylight for a period of time. In the spring, as the sun rises earlier, Daylight Savings Time was incorporated to provide longer days in order to increase, yet again, production in all industries, including farming. Your Syracuse locksmith provides expert information and knowledge for homeowners and businesses alike when it comes to service, installation, and safety tips. Locksmith and Security CNY is your main source of locksmith services in the Finger Lakes region. Safety Tips for Homeowners and Businesses Manually reset timers on lights and