Frozen locks are a common occurrence in the Finger Lakes area due to the extreme weather and temperature changes. Locksmith services in Syracuse have helped many people thaw out frozen locks. Locksmith and Security CNY is available with emergency services 24/7 to assist customers (old and new) unlock their vehicles, homes and businesses when frozen locks keep you from gaining entrance. As property owners, but more particularly vehicle owners, the ice, freezing rain, and exposure to the weather can cause water to enter the lock mechanism. As the temperature again drops to freezing, it is not unusual for the lock to freeze and refuse to budge. A Syracuse locksmith has the appropriate tools to thaw out your lock safely without damaging your property. Preventing Frozen Locks on Your Vehicle There is nothing more frustrating than finding your car door locks frozen. There are a couple ways you can prevent this from happening. One way is to place a magnet over the key hole, though we all don