The New Year is here! Welcome 2015. So many things to do with New Year s resolutions, that your Ithaca locksmith wants you to consider a resolution to protect your home and business. Your home and possessions are the most valuable things you own. Why not take the time to carefully evaluate your current locks on your home. Our locksmith services in Ithaca can come out to your home and take a look at your current security measures and make recommendations that will both fit your budget and give you peace of mind. Why Change Your Locks Now? Many homes, including new builds, are still using old lock set technology. If you ve never changed the locks in your home, you have very minimal security. Why is this? Burglars and thieves have spent years honing their skills to easily and quickly circumvent lock sets. They have the tools at their disposal and know that the majority of homes are not protected well. Your locks on your doors, in particular, and your windows are one of the weakest points