A busy, pleasant summer in New York State this year. Now, fall has arrived and closing up the summer vacation homes is an integral part of the season change projects. Locksmith and Security CNY, your Tompkins County locksmith, has some tips for you. Summer Vacation Home Security No matter how large or small your vacation home is, protecting your property s safety, from weather to unwanted access, is always a huge concern for property owners. Developing a checklist that will keep you on track may be helpful. You ll want to look at the following items to be sure you have covered all possible issues. You may need to add more to the list depending on specific concerns you may have. Winterize the property by making sure drafts are minimized, pipes are protected from potential freeze damage. If you do not run heat in your property, follow total winterization techniques to empty all water lines. Empty out the refrigerator of all perishable foods. Should the power go out, you don t want food