Remember those spare keys you should have in case of an emergency? There are locksmith services in Syracuse that can assist you. Having spare sets of keys is one of the best ways to plan ahead for the inevitable experience of being locked out of your home or vehicle. No one enjoys that initial panic of where the keys have disappeared to, nor the prospect of being stuck on the wrong side of a locked door. Your Syracuse locksmith, Locksmith and Security CNY, takes pride in their ability provide you with custom key cutting services. With so many different types of keys on the market for old and new technology locks, you want to choose someone who is well-trained and knowledgeable in their ability to reproduce your key sets. Why Have Extra Keys Made? Whether for your business, residence, or automobile, it is recommended to have at least one spare set of keys. Some people have several sets made in order that each spouse or family member has his/her own key, plus spare sets to leave w